


    TrailersFlix is a web application that allows users to search for movies and watch trailers. The application fetches movie data from the TMDb API, leveraging Vite for a fast development environment and Tailwind CSS for styling. It also integrates React YouTube to provide seamless trailer playback directly within the app.

    Sample Portfolio Website

    Sample Portfolio Website

    A responsive portfolio website showcasing my projects and skills. Built using Next.js for server-side rendering, Tailwind CSS for styling, and TypeScript for type safety.

    My portfolio

    My portfolio

    My portfolio website built with Next.js, styled using Tailwind CSS, and features animations with Framer Motion. It also uses components from Shadcn-UI, Aceternity UI, and is monitored with Sentry.

    Social Network Platform

    Social Network Platform

    A full-featured social network application offering user profiles, posts, comments, and friend connections. Built using Django for backend operations, PostgreSQL for database management, TypeScript for robust scripting, and Sentry for error monitoring.